Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Pilgrim's Bread

I haven't written in several months, but I thought to share this. I was spending some time with Our Lord in Adoration after work today, reading some of St. Thomas Aquinas' poetry and reflections on the Eucharist.  There's been a lot going on in my head lately, so praying and sitting there does me good.  I suddenly started daydreaming back to some moments on the Camino (I haven't ever really daydreamed about my Camino since I came back), including when the little dog starting following me probably around Day 25 or so...whichever day that was that I really felt like I had entered Galicia. I reflected again on that little dog, how persevering she was, even without knowing what it would be like at the end of her journey, over all those mountains. She had nothing to eat, refusing the few nuts and bread I tried feeding her, only lapping up some water I put into a little plastic cup, when I turned my back. At the seeming end of her journey, a couple hundred kilometers later, I encountered her again, in a place, if I remember correctly, had a name close to Rosary or Rosario, or perhaps Regina. She seemed so happy chasing white chickens on a farm. Random thoughts. Then I read that the word 'viaticum', 'supplies for the journey', can be also thought of as 'pilgrim's bread'. Not sure how right or theologically accurate this is, but of course, when you mention the word 'pilgrim', I think Camino! So, I had to make sure I wrote here! We are all pilgrims on this journey of life. The Eucharist is our sustenance, and when we eat of it with clean and pure hearts (+1 for Reconciliation), how great is the effect.

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