Saturday, February 11, 2012

1 Week Back in US

Current event craziness. First, Giants winning against the Pats at Superbowl, then Linsanity esp in the Asian American community and the whole HHS Mandate debacle.

You gotta love California drivers. They cut you off so often. I even had one truck driver behind me speed up to get in front of me ( I was in a left turn lane), look both ways, then purposefully run a red light, going straight ahead. I wanted to report his rump but didn't get his license plate down on time. Now that I think about it, I should have just taken a photo. Doh. Spanish drivers are not nearly as aggressive. They were nice and let me cross whenever I was at a crosswalk.
Thought I'd add a photo of myself to prove I'm back in the Bay. ;) See, driving and wearing normal clothes! Regular clothes make me feel chilly. I miss my wool base! It'd be weird wearing it out though. People would think I'm out in my undetwear. My mom and bro hate these sunglasses on me, saying it doesn't match my face, then again I like really weird sunglasses sometimes. :) No smiling since I'm all serious after the Camino. Hah, not.

By the way, I keep thinking of how many of you prayed for me and how hard you prayed. God can do such amazing and great things. So many nuns, priests, brothers, fantastic friends who love God and/or me and maybe even you who I don't personally know. I honestly think all the fabulous weather I had was seriously because of you. ;) Thank you thank thank you. Love, Christina

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