Friday, February 3, 2012

Last Day Paris

<p>Lazy start. I still wake up with the sun, latest around 8, but it feels sooooo good to just lie there, not worried about getting kicked out.</p>
<p>Yummy lunch around the place then to Sacre Couer. By chance got there at 2:45 for 1st Friday Mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus at 3pm. Nuns singing and a Spanish priest co-presided, there on pilgrimage. Afterwards benediction and exposition in the chapel downstairs. Amazing to see so many people there, mostly of African origin. Never any coincidences. :). Afterwards to Chapel of the Miraculous Medal on Rue de Bac, tjen literally 20 ft away to pick up something for mom at Le Bon Marche (people so nice there) and then we hit the mother lode of a gourmand shopper's paradise across the street from Le Bon. Imagine a whole foods of boutique artesanal food shops all collected into one place. I used to be a major foodie, but this place is just amazing and would have made my former self ecstatic as she had never been before. Bought el Faradelo de St Jacques in honor of my camino and lots of foie gras. Both ready made and other regular grocery items. Yogurt and four selection so awesome. Mmmmmmm</p>


  1. Christina! What an amazing journey! You did a wonderful job of describing what you saw and how you felt along the Camino and the pictures were beautiful. Thank you for sharing this awesome experience. It may not have provided all the answers you were looking for, but I'm sure it at least pointed you in the right direction! And that is good too! Blessings, Angelo

  2. Thank you for following, Angelo! I'm not worried about finding all my answers, but I definitely do have more direction. :) The experience was amazing. I will post a wrap up soon.
