Monday, February 6, 2012

Trip Wrap-Up

Lol, I feel like I'm back working again, calling this post a wrap-up. Thought it might interest you to know what I'm thinking and feeling though after 2 days back from my trip.

Bay area was so hot the first day I was back! I was sweating like a pig in my wool base layer. Grabbed an in-n-out burger after I landed, hehe. Mmm. So much better than either the McIberico or other burgers over there. It feels like spring here. I see flowers on the trees. So weird hearing people speak English, especially the cyclists. When I hear the Latinos speak it's also a bit strange because they have a different accent, but still more normal than English, heh.

I think I've gotten used to the lack of personal space. Now, it feels weird and standoffish when friends don't embrace or kiss me. Lol.

My knees and feet are still really overused and worn. Glad my roomies are both med students (almost doctors, they're so close to finishing!). One said the pain and swelling was due to repetitive stress, but that my feet should be back to normal in a month or so. My feet kind of fit in my shoes, but the front part is a little expanded and are a bit tight in my shoes.  I still can't walk normally because my feet hurt and when I'm off them, then start walking, it's still somewhat painful in the beginning. I still can't easily bend my knees either. My body is stooped like I'm still carrying the backpack on my back. I need a massage.  Because I want to keep off my feet, I think I want to start swimming to get a workout. I'd rather run or walk, but my other roomie and bff suggested I do something low impact. Gar, I really want to get some physical exercise. It feels weird eating so much and not having much physical activity. Yes, I weighed myself after getting back and I did lose about 5-10 pounds. Heh, not a ton...not that I had too much to lose, but anything is good!

Airport and plane ride with so many people was a bit crazy. On my flight back I sat next to a mom and the cutest 9m baby girl ever. She was sooo good and didn't really cry. Not sure why I coincidentally get sat next to babies on my long hauls in the beginning and end of the Camino. Driving was a bit of an adjustment and when I went to volunteer teach, the motions I made were much more psyhologically deliberate. I feel a lot more focused - I think it's because of the Camino.  I feel that I have changed a bit in both mind and body. I know that I need to take some more time to reflect on my experience and to process everything. Answers may come slowly, but patience is a virtue. :)

People ask me this. What do I say? Excellent. I learned a lot. The Camino is a school of life and I carry the Camino in my heart. A winter Camino is very special. It is a great time for self reflection because there aren't many people as you walk.  I'm not sure if I'd want to do the entire Camino Frances again, but there are some sections I'd do in a heartbeat. Other Caminos  would be very interesting. Back to reality though. I feel like I'm ready to face reality and take on the world.

I think as a young woman in her 20's travelling and walking alone, there are both greater risks and greater rewards. People usually say that you need to be careful in the big cities, but honestly, I felt more at risk in some small towns because there are so few people around to help you if you run into trouble, so having your wits about you at all times is important. Just because you're on pilgrimage and in the 'Camino bubble', doesn't mean that the outside world can't harm you. The winter pilgrims are mostly a decent lot, choosing to walk the camino in potentially more arduous conditions. It's the non-pilgrims I worried about.


  1. Thanks for sharing mind and body. How's the soul? It took me about 5 months to not feel funny upon taking first step each day. It felt as if I was still wearing the boots...even when I wasn't. One pilgrim stretched for about 20 minutes after each day to prevent this. I only stretched with him once. The Camino has changed me for the better. I still use the backpack as my luggage. I still use my Camino clothes routinely. OMEGA ALPHA

  2. Soul is better too of course! It would be great if i felt different for months, if not years! I see the beauty of others more intensely, exercising greater patience. I also find myself doing even the smallest chore with greater love and deliberation. Don't feel like I'm wearing my boots though since I personally wore my flip flops (chaclas) whenever I wasn't walking the Camino, even if it was freezing. I think the change of shoes really helped. I saw no one stretching because we were all too tired and cold.
