Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Leaving Santiago

Rainy cloudy and some sun today on the monbus (runs every hour) down to vigo. Saw many trees with what looked like yellow flowers on top. Reminds me of the daffodils and smell of hyacinth that wafted by when i tyrned the corner in Santiago to face the cathedral.

Transportation in Vigo

8 Eur for bus to vigo bus station via Monbus. Walked about 15 minutes to catch the 9a bus for 1.22 eur to the airport. Bus probably took 30 min to 1 hr. A taxi would cost 15 eur. I still feel so exhausted.
Nice guy on the bus in vigo picked up some pennies I dropped even though I said it didn't matter (no te preocupes). Vigo airport took my bastones but I didn't care since I was planning on losing them if necessary. Flight wasn't bad because I'm short and I fit in the seat, but my knees were a few cm from the seat in front of me. There's just a lot of smooching noises (my neighbors) amidst the babies' cries.

Barcelona airport looked really familiar. Hah, it's because I've slept here before, lol. I don't remember all the airports I've gone through anymore or maybe I just lost track or don't care. All the wonderful Spaniards I met came from either Barcelona or Galicia. Maybe I will see Barcelona again. Galicia is an of course for Fisterra.

Easing myself into non-camino civilization...going into clothing stores and other consumer places. No, I haven't bought anything, yet, only food and a cardboard tube for my compostela. I might since early February is a great time for sales in Paris ;) My head hurts. Maybe it's all the electronic sounds and non-country air. So much chatter everywhere.  Feel nauseous the entire day.

Paris Orly and then playing with friends in Paris! It's a convergence of Asian ladies, lol. Asians were a scarcity along the Camino, and non-peregrino Asians even more so. I only saw Chinese people in their bazaar shops or Chinese restaurants in big cities minus the Korean taekwondo master's family in Estella.
I can't believe how lucky I am to have the chance to meet up with so many (for me so many is more than 2 ;)) people I know in the city of love and light after the Camino. Feeling blessed.
Switching brain to understanding french is super hard. I'm staying in the 13th Arrondissement, apparently near the heart of Chinatown, who knew? Hilarious because information desk man super friendly at Orly and joked that I'd fit right in. After no Asians, I'm being thrown into the fire. By good luck Orly is super close so was easy to get here!

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