Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Day 2 Roncesvalles to Zubiri

<p>clear morning, cloudy afternoon and very light rain. Muddy, frosty, very little leftover snow. The clouds moved in quickly. Walked with Patti from Roncesvalles to Zubiri. This industrial town doesn't seem friendly at all to pilgrims- I can see why the guides recommend pushing on to Larrasoana. Don't stay here if you can help it. No albergues are open right now. We stopped by the bar on your left after u cross the roman bridge and go to the church. The locals saw us and complained "oh no they're here to use the bathroom" like we were pests (this perception probably arises because previous pilgrims were not respectful and because of the speaker's own prejudices and blanket generalization ). No, we didn't use the bathroom, just asked a question on open albergues. Even the girl behind the counter gave us the wrong info. We had to walk all the way across town for a room at the bar for 50 euros for a double. Room is nice but Highway robbery when compared to a bed for 5-10 euros. I think I could have pushed on to Larrasoana, especially at my normal pace, but I went my companion's speed and didn't want to leave her alone her first day walking. Knees were also prob happy. No coincidence that she and I are both headed to Santiago and are flying out the same morning as well. She had to decide whether to start from sjpp or roncesvalles, but took my rec into consideration of starting by 9 in sjpp. She couldn't find any taxis from roncesvalles that early so started with me. I think I gave her a sound rec</p>

This is where stage 2 begins in the Codex Calixtinus

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