Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day 3 Pamplona and Cizur Menor

Weather: cloudy, light rain, muddy
body condition: all good; no blisters still, knees don.t hurt, but the soles of my feet are still killing me! <i thought my feet were good until mid-afternoon when I was walking on asphalt and concrete for the rest of the way. Should I wait out the pain hoping to adjust, or should I lighten my pack?

We walked at least 35 km today from Zubiri to Cizur Menor. left at 9am. arrived at 6pm.

Pati told me of the dream she had of me-apparently I was taking gold out of my backpack to lighten the load. Up to you, me and time on the Camino to really tell me what that means or what it´s a metaphor of.

Worries of bedbugs and other paranoias (like washing hands with soap before eating) don´t really grip me as much anymore since getting to the next point and the pain is more front of mind than slowing down.

As we walked from Trinidad del Arre to Pamplona, seeing the medieval town up on the hill was such a beautiful sight to behold. Pictures wouldn´t do it justice. We didn´t realize it was Pamplona until we were right in the city and had walked a few hundred meters.


As we walked the Camino today, Pati (who´s from Guadalajara, Mexico) and I shared stories about our family history and I told her a little about the history of Japan, Korea, China and their relationships with one another. The reason I started talking about this was because of the numerous occasions where people would mistake me for Chinese, and how I didn´t really like that.

I am Korean-American; not Korean, not Chinese. I wanted to be in my Camino bubble and avoid talking to people unless I really had to. But I realized yesterday and today that I shouldn´t avoid chances to educate people about different cultures (ie when I hear people saying and assuming I´m Chinese I will now say, "no, no soy chino, soy coreano-americano. originalmente, mi familia es de corea, pero yo naci en los estados unidos y soy americano". Patti confirmed this thought with me. I guess I can think of it as a service for the world and individuals who would be otherwise ignorant that there are other East Asian-looking people besides Chinese people out there.  the issue of identity is is very important to me. You can´t call me Korean because I´m not from Korea and I don´t belong there (believe me, I know, I´ve spent many months over the years there)


My love affair with jamon iberico continues. today, i believe i had the best tasting jamon iberico in my life. gracias a pamplona.

Cizur Menor: albergue maribel roncal is run by a very very nice lady. highly recommend staying here. the restaurant to the right as you walk down the hill in front of the albergue also had a wonderful menu del dia for only 10 euros! really tasty macarone with a tomato red wine garlic olive oil sauce, some fish and helado!
Puerta Francia leading into Pamplona old town

Pamplona Cathedral and prob one of the streets where they do the Running of the Bulls during San Fermin

trees at the University of Navarre

the best jamon iberico bellota I´ve ever had in my life,  hand carved with just the right amounts of fat in each delicious bite


  1. i would go with... massage your feet! but i guess it depends if it's tendon pain or muscle pain.
