Monday, December 26, 2011

Paris>Bayonne>St Jean

Train ride from Bayonne to St Jean Pied de Port very scenic and highly recommended. Sit on right side of train to be next to the river scenes. Guy across from me tried to get on the train with an invalid ticket. He ended up paying. Asked me if I was Chinese. One of many times. Don't peeps know the Chinese don't really walk the Camino, at least not for now?  Maybe I just really look Chinese. Another larger man a few seats away slapped his thighs loudly in rhythm to a song he was humming. Hilarious ride. Also saw grandpas playing bocce and 2 boys playing in the golden field
TVG ride to Bayonne not worth the time if you're already familiar with the French or similar countryside - it was a little monotonous except for the family of five that sat next to me. 2 year olds scream and cry a lot - corporal punishment was applied to them often. I generally love children so much I like to spend my weekends with them, but, I would rather fly next time.

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