Friday, December 23, 2011

Why Choose To Be Away From Family?

Especially on Christmas? That's just how it worked out.  Parents are working then. :(  When they retire, they really deserve rest and fun for helping out the US economy. Christmas is really about celebrating Christ anyway, no? So happy birthday Jesus-my present to you and the world-walking the Camino.

We're never really alone. By coincidence I ran into an old business colleague on the Frankfurt shuttle from our plane to the int'l terminal. I sat down in a seat right next to the doors, and there he was right in front of my face. I knocked on the Plexiglas and smiled and waved, trying to get his attention. No response. Hmmm, maybe it was a case of mistaken identity. I didn't think he would have a reason to be in Seattle so I was definitely not expecting him on that plane! The Germany part made sense though since he had been part of the European team I worked with way back when. Should I loudly declare his name? Bit my knuckles in contemplation. Heck, why not? At worst, this German dude would never see me again, but at best I could chat a bit with an old acquaintance. Wow, of all things!  Good thing it was him,  otherwise the lady next to me might have thought I was completely deranged...shouting, waving, smiling and staring at strangers while in airplane bed head mode.

I saw an IVE sister at the SEA airport too. Thought it would be strange for her though if I approached since she didn't know me. Maybe I should have. What if she had been lost? I need to work on heeding and acting on that small voice inside.

Below, pics of my brother saying bye (he's the quiet type), view of the Cascade mountain range (great place for alpine training), and saying hello/goodbye to Omid in Frankfurt (Christmas lights and 'Germany & More' sign in background).

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