Friday, December 16, 2011

Hello Again Europe, I'll See You Next Week

I'm not sure why I'm back in Europe again after being there last month. Why not Africa or Antarctica? Well, I could go to those places in 2-3 weeks, as opposed to needing 35-40 days. I definitely want to do the Ultimate Sahara trek. There is much still on the list for travel some other time. Always good to dream of exotic locations you haven't been to yet!

After thinking and over-thinking about whether I wanted to walk the Camino de Santiago, aka 'The Way of St. James', I finally booked my tickets to Paris this week. I will fly from Seattle into Paris on Christmas Eve and most likely stay in the city of light on Christmas as well. I hate that I can't be with my family during this time, but it was a personal choice on whether I would want enough time to start in St. Jean Pied de Port and finish the Camino. So I'm flying into Seattle this Tuesday, spend a few days with my folks, then off I go. TBD on where I will be spending La Nochebuena, but maybe a Parisian will take in a pilgrim alone and with no French language skills to speak of, parlez vous anglais? :)

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