Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 15 Itero de Vega

Ran to 8:30 am mass at the same convent as yesterday. Takes 15 minutes from the municipal albergue. One layer of pants is not enough. My face felt like it would freeze off. The priest presiding was from Benin, said the opening for me in English and also had me introduce myself to all the sisters after mass. I wanted to give something back to the sisters at the convent in castrojeriz for their kindness by buying some of their sweets they make. Yea they sell yummy baked goods and candies! Their punos de San Francisco looked particularly tasty. After mass was exposition and it didn't look like anybody was leaving to go about their other duties. I rang the doorbell anyway to try to at least donate something, but no one answered, and there are no slots around for donativos . I felt like i just received so much from them and could give back absolutely nothing. So decided to just gratefully accept the blessings. It was 9:30. I needed to get my mochila and walk through more meseta.

I left my glasses in the albergue. Now, it's impossible to walk in the dark. They were my lightest and favorite kate spade glasses too. Crushed. OK, you may think: why did you take such nice glasses with you? They were the most comfortable.

I decided to stop in Itero de Vega at 2 for the night since if it got dark I wouldn't be able to really see without my regular glasses. No way i could do 16 miles in 3-4 hours. At least i didn't want to. The bar owner called the albergue and the hospitalero said he couldn't find them. I decided to check my bag 1 more time. Stupid me. Hah. I found them. I cracked up. It's OK. I got to play with a puppy here and just enjoy the warm sun that is usually too hot when walking, but perfect when sitting around lounging on the steps. Sleeping here anyway and catching up on my writing and using wifi. I decided on this albergue fitero because I saw the cute puppy 1st, 2nd it was recommended by the bar owner in hontanas, and 3rd I actually saw the lady owner riding a bike and had greeted her on my way into town, not knowing who she was.

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