Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 7 Logrono

morning most rain I've seen so far and prayed hard that there would be no rain on our way into logrono <p>went through torres del rio and by the temple of the holy sepulchre, in the mudejar style. Yay i can draw from some of my art history seminars. 30km to logrono, ending my time through navarra and entering the la rioja region, famous for its wine. Indeed, there are lots of vineyards here growing in red clay soil. arrived at city center 7:45pm, finding my way in the dark by following the illuminated cathedral towers. Had sit down almuerzo for the 1st time on the way in viana, where cesare Borgia died. <br>
The hospitalero Tomas in logrono is very friendly, but if you don't respect the rules, he has a temper. Rightly so since the rules are for the comfort of other peregrinos ie lights out time and silence in the dormitory and safety as well </p>
Meditation on friendship and gaining true wisdom.

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