Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 17 Carrion de los Condes

Sorry, day 16 is on the phone, and can't be posted yet due to no wifi. Whenever I encounter wifi again, I will post it! Also, the last few days were all uploaded and in jumbled order, but I just cleaned it up so that it goes day by day.

I was walking from Poblacion to Villalcazar de Sirga, and stopped by the church of the Virgen del rio, which wasn't open when I got there. Any time I pass by a church, I try to see if it's open and if I really want to go inside, even if it looks locked *and it usually is* I push all the doors to see if they might give way. you never know! I decided to rest in front of the church for a bit, then saw a car drive up and a priest open the church, sweet! Went in, looked around, it had cracks everywhere and looked a bit humble. I decided to pray a Hail Mary in front of the statue of the virgin and child. I realized I kept getting distracted to decided to compose myself and say one really good Hail Mary. During that time, very briefly, I thought I felt the face of Mary upon me, a warm, consoling, comforting, sorrowful, calm feeling. Then, I walked out of the church and continued along the Camino. Soon afterwards I saw that same priest's car zoom by me, having likely locked the church again and going about his next business. Wow, I had been there for just a few moments, at the right time.

The part from Burgos up to now so far has felt like a very romantic walk. I really enjoy the landscape, canals and streams lined by trees. By chance I coincidentally ran into Lucio in Carrion, who had been in the same albergue last night, so I gave him a big hug of goodbye before he takes his bus. Carrion is where everyone pretty much piles up as the last stop before Terradillos, 30km away, so there are lots of people in the parochial albergue Espiritu Sancto tonight. 3 korean men *that doesn't include me*, Pati again! *yay it's been a while, 1 Chilean man, 1 German lady and 1 Australian girl. We're planning on going to Moratinos tomorrow. I did some serious food shopping tonight and finally bought a knife, pottery knife but is light and has a sizeable blade, but I would have preferred a dagger. I would look so cool and swashbuckling if I had one hanging from my belt loop. heh. Evildoers and fruit, watch out! Also bought some food called Morros de ternera, but when I cut into it, it really looked unappetizing with all these hairs on the meat...threw it out. Sad, but at least now I know never to order that in a restaurant!

The priest Julio at 7pm mass at San Julian said that snow is hitting this region on Sunday.  Apparently the french guy in Castrojeriz and Ramon had the same -virus of the camino-as pati calls it.  Don't worry, right now, I'm very healthy and there is still a huge smile on my face!

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