Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Thoughts After 9 Days of Walking

Destination is just a figment of the way distant future that I cannot sense. I am taking it one km at a time, mostly looking down at the paths, noticing the different pavement and colors of the rocks and earth. There is seemingly always sheep dung scattered about the paths, but only once yesterday have I seen the sheep. They were following the shepherd as he was leading them away from the grapevines, which are apparently illegal for them to eat, to some more legal food.

Once in awhile I see the last of the roses and wildflowers, which makes me happy. Blackberry vines are everywhere, but all the fruit has withered away. When I am hungry, I eye the olives and grapes hanging on their branches so close to the Camino, but I don't want to tress pass. Professor tells me since harvest is over, I can now take them since they will just be pruned and thrown/composted. We shall see.

My favorite part has still been the leg from sjpp to roncesvalles. Many people recommend the Camino from Roncesvalles to Logrono, which is nice, but hasn't greatly impressed me as much as the pyrenees. If I walk the camino again, I may want to Walk the le puy and norte routes.

There are way too many people to greet when I am in a city, so I get tired and just look around at the surroundings. When I encounter less people, I am trying to make a concentrated effort to greet them happily. Fyi, greeting with "Feliz ano" or "feliz navidad" really gives passerbys and others the fuzzies. According to my experiment, they tend to say more Buena suerte and buen Camino to you.

My bag is fairly heavy but I don't  really notice the weight anywhere besides the feet. Feet are still good.

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