Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 35 Reactions

This morning all the Spanish men jetted out of the albergue at 7 or so to get to noon mass. I gave them 2 hugs each and they gave me the besos on the cheeks. Sniff, I was so sad to say goodbye to them because it meant the end of the Camino was near. They're also a good sort.

Photographer for La Voz Galicia was on the Camino and kept taking photos of me (was for newspaper article on winter pilgrims) this morning. Glad I had sunglasses on and I walked as fast as I could to get away. Some moments of quiet but mostly traffic sounds.

Saw the cathedral, nothing except yay, hello again. At entrance was a japanese tour group and one of the guides kept asking me questions. Then all the people filed out and shook my hand..i felt a little sheepish like a politician or figurehead shaking hands with citizens receiving congratulations for something i felt like i didnt do. Some wanted photos with me so i posed japanese style. :) i kind of felt like mickey mouse. Went to crypt and prayed a bit with a bit of weeping. As I exited another smaller group of Portuguese women talked with me a bit asking questions. I liked the smaller more intimate questioning. I told everyone they could walk the Camino too.

I felt lonely. Where were all the peregrinos I had so much camaraderie with? None in the plaza all late afternoon save one.

Staying at a tourist albergue makes me miss the municipal and xunta albergues. Normal people are so loud and obnoxious compared to the Camino. I don't want to face regular civilization just yet. However a hot shower where hot water doesn't run out, a place that gives you a fluffy cotton towel and use of a hairdryer feels absolutely luxurious.

Tomorrow I will go hug the apostle...and I don't have to walk 10+ km. Sweet but bittersweet. My body is saying no more, especially my knees and left leg. There's some muscle strain. However, My mind wants to keep going to Finisterre.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you have been through a graduation. You were on a long journey with a group of people that you got to know along the way, you reached your goal together, and now everyone is going their separate ways to continue their life's journey. Concentrate on the good memories and what you have gained along the way... Camino :D
