Monday, January 16, 2012

Reflection After 21 Days

21 days on the Camino. I know I've said this before, but each journey is different. Remember Hornillos? Apparently at least 3 people I personally knew wanted to sleep there, but were told it was closed, so they had to go on to Hontanas. For me, it was open. One pilgrim passed by the bar where I saw Beti the puppy, and apparently she barked at him while she was all cute with wagging tail and playful bites with me. Heh, funny the Camino. You see how others make their Caminos, but I am happiest with mine. Some people go too fast, ignore what their body is telling them, then get sick. If my body is going to take me to Santiago and Finisterre, I need to take good care of it for at least 14 more days.

The excitement of the Camino has died a bit, and this is in keeping with my normal personal vacation limit of 3 weeks at which time I usually really want to go back home and work again. I prefer rest to seeing all the sites. Selectively pick what I want to see since being on one's feet too long is painful. I will wake up in the middle of the night because of the great pain in my feet, which I don't feel as intensely when walking or during the day. However, the throbbing  pain is just a normal part of the Camino, something you live with. Making the journey right now is more a challenge of the mind, since now I am at a point where I just want to sleep and rest for days. I feel like I have come so far, yet still have much ahead of me. All the terrain in Leon looks the same. At times I will sing to myself for energy and motivation. I don't like being alone all the time, but don't want to be with people who have vibes I don't prefer.

My knees would buckle with bends and slippery rocks were it not for my bastones.

At times, something that looks like a big hill is actually flat when I get closer or have climbed it much more effortlessly than previously thought.

I have adjusted to Spanish time. The important thing is to eat constantly. :)


  1. This picture makes you look a lot taller than what I remember :+) Actually, it looks like something out of one of those Beatle animated movies from the 70s.

    Maybe the terrain looking the same is just an opportunity to concentrate on something else.

    Hang in there. Don't forget that you aren't completely alone because you have a lot of people back here pulling and praying for you.

    Requesting an updated picture of yourself (not just a shadow ;->) so that we can see how you are doing.


  2. it's still something to learn, huh? that is, continuing on a journey even when you dearly want to stop ...

  3. So happy to be following you here on your journey. I'm also praying for you and pulling for you Christina! You're amazing!

