Thursday, January 12, 2012

Reflection: The Beautiful, The Ugly

Frost flying off tree branches, like snow, against a blue sky
Kind voices, kind acts, respect
The cloistered nuns (I haven't met other types along the Camino yet)
Sunrises, sunsets
Soft earth, paths padded by fallen leaves
Dogs and cats following me through town
Noticing birds and livestock the same color as the earth, moving about
Bells of churches, of livestock, of horses
People walking the Camino in contemplation
Handsome men walking the Camino? ;)

A man speeding up ahead of you, then peeing right in front of you in an open street (normal pedestrian, not pilgrims.. all pilgrims up to now are a good bunch)
Animal and human logs
Trash-although I sometimes use this as an indicator that I haven't lost my way off the Camino
Specific peeve-ladies, plastic sanitary pads are not biodegradable, so please take them with you as opposed to leaving them on the camino. thank you
People getting sick and not feeling well
Asphalt, pavement, rocks under foot
Stable and city smells
Pointy metal walking sticks-use rubber tips if the weather and terrain doesn't call for pointy teeth; it also preserves the paths.

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