Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 26 Ponferrada

So sore in back, shoulders and legs this morning. Neck and shoulders have bothered me the last 3 days.
With 3 Koreans today.

Castle of Templars, renovated and restored
Levätä rauhassa. There aren't many Finnish pilgrims along the Camino. In fact, I met none. Otherwise, perhaps I could have practiced my toddler-level language skills. :) Marker dedicated to Finnish pilgrim that died along the Camino around km 202,5.
View of Basilica from castle


  1. Oh, Ponferrada, I spent 10 nights here. I was blessed to fall here-in time for Templarios festival, to party in your castle. I would meet the locals, karaoke, eat botillo, and buy some plants. After so many days of "step,step, step" I enjoyed staying put. When my kneecap smacked that granite stair, I knew I may not finish in 2011. I was free of the desire to catch up with any of my pilgrim-cohorts. I would return to taking it one moment at a time as from Divine Providence.

  2. How true that is in life, huh? We always rush forward, trying to get ahead of everyone else (both literally and metaphorically), whether it's to increase one's perceived prestige or status in this world. However, the best, most peaceful way is to ultimately leave everything to divine providence.
