Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 30 Reflections

I came here with the thought that this would be an awesome albergue, but it isn't what I envisioned, not bad at all though. Can't wait for vespers and mass. Peregrinos can participate in laudes, vespers and mass at the monastery, but it doesnt say anything about the other oraciones so I assume not. There are murals all over the walls and ceilings. Even though it is a gorgeous clear day outside, if I'm not walking, I'm in my sleeping bag trying to keep warm. I hope it's so cold in the room that all possible bedbugs are frozen to death. :) I feel lucky. I and most fellow pilgrims haven't had a real problem with bedbugs yet. I think I may have been bitten once in one albergue .

My feet have hurt in different places throughout my journey, but they are now very tender. I didn't understand others who said they were worried their feet wouldn't fit into their boots if they took them off, until now. My heels barely fit. I feel like my feet have grown longer and flattened out. I wonder if my shoes will still fit when I go back home. I have to admit, these last few days, I have become so tired and achey that if a church is far away and the hospitalero doesn't know the time of mass, I won't go check unless it's an important day.

Mass was in the monastery small chapel. Padre Domingo helped me get comfortable. If I remember correctly there are 16 monks here, 3 novices.

Trout here is smaller than in US. Tasty though! Omg tasty pastel de cuajada.

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