Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 35 Santiago

Yay! Thought about Monte de Gonzo, but I had to go to Santiago. I could see it in the distance. I also heard Pati was there but I didn't see her. My name is on the list for tomorrow's mass. Now I need to find tickets back to Paris. It's ridiculously hard trying to find reasonably priced transportation back to Paris from here. Ridiculous. Oh well.


  1. you made it to Santiago??? huzzah! I'm still expecting you'd go to Finisterre, though ... are you?

    can't wait to see you!

  2. Will try finisterre since i really want to go but depends on what flight i can boo to paris. Yay so excited to see you in the city of love mon cherie. ;)

  3. Congratulations!! I knew you would make it. Although, it was kind of worrisome a few places along the way. I guess I can start breathing again :)

    How about a picture of the victorious?
