Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 22 San Martin

Day started out pretty well. I had several older ladies wish me buen Camino as I was walking out of Leon. Stopped by the Sanctuary of the Virgen del Camino, where I bought a finger rosary and also attended noon mass. The father wished me well and I got to touch the Virgen's mantle cape. I also bought a knife to replace the other one I had just lost.
The entire walk was ugly, through industrial areas and breathing in noxious car fumes. I just kept trying to focus on my prayers and all your intentions.
Saw çows and corn for the first time.
Got to Villadangos at 5pm, excited that I had arrived before the sun set, but albergue was closed and I wasn't going to stay at a hostel. Walked 5 more km to San Martin. Creepy man peeing on the street got into his van and followed me for a while, asking me where I was going several times. Glad I had the knife on me as I felt quite unsafe and threatened at that point. He drove away thankfully.
A lot of old people call me maja and one has squeezed my cheeks, honestly every other person or so that I talk to.  What are all its meanings? I'm not sure it's a good thing because I have to deal with creeps too.
The municipal albergue here was apparently dirty so I stayed with others in the private Santa Ana.

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