Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 28 O'Cebreiro

I feel kind of bad for listening yesterday to some gossip about people I've met on the Camino, so bad. However it did shed light on some characters.
Pleasant walk through mountains. The area from Vega to Herreias and a little beyond before steep climb is especially lush with heavily flowing water and green wetness. Lots of fog that eventually burned off. Even saw a yellow daffodil in full bloom! It's as if the first sign of spring is here. Path is covered with an abundance of chestnuts and leaves. Some concrete, but not bad walk. Those of you on the Fr Walter pilgrimage in November may remember the rest stop after we left Santiago. It was where we were in the middle of the mountains and there was a 3 star hotel with a big 'Valcarce' sign on top. We had seen several pilgrims passing by and it was freezing! Well I passed by that very spot today, not expecting it, but when I saw that rest stop I burst into tears. Don't ask me why since I don't know exactly, but feeling like I was close to GAlicia might have been one reason. Yes, I am now in GAlicia, finally!
I have been thinking of 5he Franciscans and Poor Clares lately because of t,he animals I notice.
When I passed through Vega de Valcarce, a little black dog with 2 white paws started following me. I saw it and thought poor thing. It had bloodshot eyes and no collar. I thought it would stop at the end of the town, but it kept following me. I started talking to it saying that if it had an owner, it should go back. I secretly hoped it didn't have an owner and would continue following me. Perhaps this was a selfish wish, but I didn't do anything to lure it. Well, follow me it did. It braved over 12km of incline without food or water and big ferocious dogs every time we passed a village. Sometimes I thought it would turn back when the scary dog obstacles came up, but it continued following me. It seems to have a lot of courage, resilience and scrappiness.  I would turn around and it was there. If I didn't see it, I became sad, thinking it had stopped following me. I think it is a girl dog and I may call her saegi if I see her again. No idea where I got that. The dogs in O'Cebreiro keep bothering her and I hope she is OK tonight. I feel like it is my fault if something happens to her since I was the reason she came here. She doesn't make any noises like barking and she is furtive. If you look at her, she freezes. If you don't look at her, she follows you. I tried offering her food tonight but she didn't touch it. After I had dinner I couldn't find her and started crying worried something bad might have happened and was very sorry that she had followed me here. Yeah, I'm not 5 but the Camino does strange things to you. I went out again at night into the now foggy town to look for her, but she was still being bothered by another dog. I hope she makes it tonight. Perhaps she also wants to make pilgrimage to Santiago. We shall see.
Nothing to eat in O'Cebreiro. Restaurant food was bleh except tarta de Santiago and tienda had very little stocked.

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