Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 25 Molinaseca

Hospitalero said goodbye to everyone by giving them a hug and wishing that they find their answers.
Lovely walk through the Leonese mountains today. I felt like my feet could carry me over long distances when they are on nice trails. Slipped on a large slippery rock (slate several meters long) early afternoon and fell backwards. Here and yesterday you see lots of oak, dry pine, heather, slate and white quartz marbly stone. After that, proceeded a little more cautiously and slowly. Thought I'd be going to Ponferrada, but because of the unplanned slowness, staying in Molinaseca municipal. I'd rather not rush.
Cruz de ferro today.  Here, traditionally, you testify before God that you are making this pilgrimage and ask for protection against the dangers of the Camino. People bring rocks from their home country and leave it here, having çarried it for their entire journey up to now,  symbolic of habits or thoughts they want to get rid of. I actually picked my rock up the 2nd or ³rd day on the Camino.
Molinaseca municipal albergue was freezing cold. Wood stove for heating, but hospitalero was stingy about providing firewood. We were given 2 buckets of sticks and a few logs, even though we begged for more wood and would have brought it. We were so cold we just huddled around the fire before getting into our sleeping bags. 2 pilgrims before us had stayed here for 2 days and went through 50 kilos of wood-i don't know why, but because of them, I think we were punished by being given much less wood. This is one case why one needs to always think of how their actions will affect other pilgrims after them.

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